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SPRINGFIELD BUSINESS JOURNAL: Bet Against Machines & Sooner or Later You’ll Lose.
EXCLUSIVE: A story about AI, Read by AI This article was written by me, Gabriel

Does SEO blogging still work?
For years now, SEO blogging has been championed as one of the most impactful activities

Why local partnerships matter to your brand’s growth
When we talk to business owners in and around Springfield, MO about community relations and

11 types of video content that are helpful for businesses
Business owners have been getting preached at for years now that video content is king

New policies highlight need for Google Ads Manager
Google has announced it will update its third-party Ads manager policy in November 2024 which
All 2oddballs Articles

Does SEO blogging still work?
For years now, SEO blogging has been championed as one of the most impactful activities you can engage in to optimize your website for search

Why local partnerships matter to your brand’s growth
When we talk to business owners in and around Springfield, MO about community relations and local partnerships with other neighboring businesses, nonprofits, or events we

11 types of video content that are helpful for businesses
Business owners have been getting preached at for years now that video content is king when it comes to marketing. However, it can be hard

New policies highlight need for Google Ads Manager
Google has announced it will update its third-party Ads manager policy in November 2024 which will announce new penalties for third parties that enable significant

PR and Marketing: How PR is valuable outside of a crisis
Public relations is one of those industries that often gets a bad rap. However, PR and marketing go hand-in-hand in a way many businessowners don’t

What’s the difference between SEO and PPC?
The difference between SEO and PPC is in their strategies. Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving your website’s content, metadata, and more

Domains, Webhosts and More: 12 Useful Q&As About How the Internet Works
How does the internet work? What actually is a website? What’s a domain? We answer all these questions and more in this article!

Website design client review: Show My Scars Podcast
This is a website design client review from Derek Dueker, the owner of the Show My Scars Podcast, a mental health podcast, who has his

Where to begin marketing your business
The most common frustration startup business owners bring up is where to begin marketing their business. There’s many channels you can pour money into and

Using AI to write your SEO blogs? Be careful.
Google recently confirmed in a revision of its spam policy that the search giant will exclude artificial intelligence (AI)-generated blogs that seem like clickbait from

Full-service internet marketing in Springfield, MO
When deciding on a digital marketing agency for your internet marketing in Springfield, MO you want to choose a partner who is a full-service agency.

What can a marketing agency do for my business?
As a business owner, you may be wondering what can a marketing agency do for your business that you can’t do yourself. However, for those